District heating for households

District heating warms up your home and its domestic hot water in a way that is easy, affordable and reliable. District heating is carefree, modern, locally produced and competitive, including in the future. About 90 per cent of homes in Lahti are heated with district heating.

District heating from Lahti is something to be proud of. It is produced almost entirely without fossil fuels, and we invest in renewable, local fuels. Ask for more information or request an offer.

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District heating is all of these things

Carefree and modern heating for households

The security of district heating supply is 99.98 per cent, and the supply is monitored non-stop. Customer orientation, efficiency and reliability are the guiding lights of our district heating supply operations. 

We ensure that heating is available in all conditions for warming up premises and domestic water. Houses that use district heating never run out of domestic hot water, because we always produce more as hot water is consumed in your household. 

Local option for heating your home

Our district heating is produced locally using renewable and recycled fuels. Much of the fuel is obtained nearby. We offer guarantees of origin as an additional service for district heating. District heating verified with guarantees of origin is produced with renewable energy sources.

Competitive heating option also in the future

The use of renewable fuels at our power plants ensures that prices remain reasonable also in the future. The life-cycle costs of district heating are competitive. 

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District heating

District heating customer service