Price lists and terms of contract for district heating

Price lists for district heating

District heating service price list
Meter inspection

Meter inspection in accordance with the terms of sale for district heating as per an external inspector’s offer.

MSCONS message service price list: *Includes e.g. power of attorney renewals, adding and terminating individual places of use and determining place of use numbers.

Securing of claims
Payment request and disconnection notice (VAT 0%)5 €
Reprinting an invoice5,06 €
Payment agreement fee10,12 €
Securing of claims
Payment request and disconnection notice (VAT 0%)5 €
Reprinting an invoice5 €
Payment agreement fee10 €
Securing of claims
Payment request and disconnection notice (VAT 0%)5 €
Reprinting an invoice4,03 €
Payment agreement fee8,06 €
District heating meter connection and disconnection with bill collection
Disconnection fee60,73 €
Connection on the same working day (order placed before 1 pm)60,73 €
Express connection (connection on the same day, order placed after 1 pm)121,45 €
District heating meter connection and disconnection with bill collection
Disconnection fee60 €
Connection on the same working day (order placed before 1 pm)60 €
Express connection (connection on the same day, order placed after 1 pm)120 €
District heating meter connection and disconnection with bill collection
Disconnection fee48,39 €
Connection on the same working day (order placed before 1 pm)48,39 €
Express connection (connection on the same day, order placed after 1 pm)96,77 €
Inspection of contracted water flow/capacity at the customer’s request
The first inspection is free of charge. Subsequent inspections:
Other than detached houses506,05 €
Detached houses101,21 €
Inspection of contracted water flow/capacity at the customer’s request
The first inspection is free of charge. Subsequent inspections:
Other than detached houses500 €
Detached houses100 €
Inspection of contracted water flow/capacity at the customer’s request
The first inspection is free of charge. Subsequent inspections:
Other than detached houses403,23 €
Detached houses80,65 €
MSCONS message service price list
Setting up delivery121,45 €/h (min 1 h)
Transmission of historical data121,45 €/h (min 1 h)
Place of use processing fee *121,45 €/h (min ½ h)
Termination of deliveryfree of charge
MSCONS-sanomapalvelun hinnasto
Setting up delivery120 €/h (min 1 h)
Transmission of historical data120 €/h (min 1 h)
Place of use processing fee *120 €/h (min ½ h)
Termination of deliverymaksuton
MSCONS-sanomapalvelun hinnasto
Setting up delivery96,77 €/h (min 1 h)
Transmission of historical data96,77 €/h (min 1 h)
Place of use processing fee *96,77 €/h (min ½ h)
Termination of deliverymaksuton
Connecting realtime measurement to Real Estate Management System
200 €
159,36 €
Connecting realtime measurement to Real Estate Management System
159,36 €
Other work ordered by the customer paid by the hour
Installer’s hourly rate65 €
Overtime100 €
Sunday or holiday work135 €
Other work ordered by the customer paid by the hour
Installer’s hourly rate
Sunday or holiday work
Other work ordered by the customer paid by the hour
Installer’s hourly rate51,79 €
Overtime79,68 €
Sunday or holiday work107,57 €
District heating fees price list as of 1 January 2025

District heating fees prices starting 1 January 2025 (customers)

The district heating fees price list is the price list for consumer customers. The price list is selected based on the connection owner. The price list is not available for companies. However, this price list may also be selected by customers whose connection owner has a business ID, but the place of use has only one or two dwellings and no other space to be heated.

The total price of district heating consists of an energy fee, a fixed fee, a return water fee/compensation and taxes. The lowest possible contracted capacity for a detached house is 12 kW (9 kW in block heating).

Fixed fee for district heating

The amount of the fixed fee depends on the contracted capacity (Ø) or the contracted water flow (V).

The fixed fee is determined according to the tariff as follows: Tariff 1 applies to sites with contracted capacity of up to 50 kW. Tariff 2 applies to sites with contracted water flow of up to 4 m³/h. Sites larger than this are included in tariff 3.

As of 1 January 2025, the coefficient values are: k1= 3,95 k2= 4,45 k3= 4,45 (VAT 0%).

District heating return water fee/compensation as of 1 September 2020

The return water fee/compensation applies to places of use with contracted water flow of 10 m3/h or more. The fee/compensation is a maximum of 5% of the sum of the fixed and energy fees for the billing period. The fee/compensation is invoiced only during the heating period (September–April). The target level of return water temperature is 43°C.

The return water fee/compensation, €/month (VAT 0%), is calculated as follows:

  • when falling below the target level: (Tp-43) x E x 0.1
  • when the target level is exceeded: (Tp-43) x E x 0.2

Tp = average return water temperature for the month, °C
E = energy consumption for the month, MWh
The value added tax valid at any given time is added to the return water fee/compensation.

Energy fee for district heating
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period99,02
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period70,48
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period39,35
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period70,48
Energy fee for district heating
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period
Energy fee for district heating
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period78,90
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period56,16
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period31,36
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period56,16
District heating base charge
RateBase charge €/year
1k1 x 13,96 x (Ø) x 1,255
2k2 x (91,66 + 859,44 x V) x 1,255
3k3 x (2204,10 + 331,33 x V) x 1,255
District heating base charge
RateBase charge €/year
District heating base charge
RateBase charge €/year
k1 x 13,96 x (Ø)
2k2 x (91,66 + 859,44 x V)
3k3 x (2204,10 + 331,33 x V)
District heating fees price list as of 1 January 2024

District heating fees prices starting 1 January 2024 (customers)

The district heating fees price list is the price list for consumer customers. The price list is selected based on the connection owner. The price list is not available for companies. However, this price list may also be selected by customers whose connection owner has a business ID, but the place of use has only one or two dwellings and no other space to be heated.

The total price of district heating consists of an energy fee, a fixed fee, a return water fee/compensation and taxes. The lowest possible contracted capacity for a detached house is 12 kW (9 kW in block heating).

Fixed fee for district heating

The amount of the fixed fee depends on the contracted capacity (Ø) or the contracted water flow (V).

The fixed fee is determined according to the tariff as follows: Tariff 1 applies to sites with contracted capacity of up to 50 kW. Tariff 2 applies to sites with contracted water flow of up to 4 m³/h. Sites larger than this are included in tariff 3.

As of 1 June 2023, the coefficient values are: k1= 3.81 k2= 4.29 k3= 4.29 (VAT 0%).

District heating return water fee/compensation as of 1 September 2020

The return water fee/compensation applies to places of use with contracted water flow of 10 m3/h or more. The fee/compensation is a maximum of 5% of the sum of the fixed and energy fees for the billing period. The fee/compensation is invoiced only during the heating period (September–April). The target level of return water temperature is 43°C.

The return water fee/compensation, €/month (VAT 0%), is calculated as follows:

  • when falling below the target level: (Tp-43) x E x 0.1
  • when the target level is exceeded: (Tp-43) x E x 0.2

Tp = average return water temperature for the month, °C
E = energy consumption for the month, MWh
The value added tax valid at any given time is added to the return water fee/compensation.

Energy fee for district heating
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period95,39 €
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period67,90 €
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period37,91 €
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period67,90 €
Energy fee for district heating
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period94,25
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period67,08
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period37,46
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period67,08
Energy fee for district heating
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period76,01
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period54,10
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period30,21
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period54,10
District heating base charge
RateBase charge €/year
1k1 x 13,96 x Ø x 1,255
2k2 x (91,66 + 859,44 x V) x 1,255
3k3 x (2204,10 + 331,33 x V) x 1,255
District heating base charge
RateBase charge €/year
1k1 x 13,96 x Ø x 1,24
2k2 x (91,66 + 859,44 x V) x 1,24
3k3 x (2204,10 + 331,33 x V) x 1,24
District heating base charge
RateBase charge €/year
1k1 x 13,96 x (Ø)
2k2 x (91,66 + 859,44 x V)
3k3 x (2204,10 + 331,33 x V)
Guarantees of origin

We offer guarantees of origin as an additional service for district heating. District heating verified with guarantees of origin is produced with renewable energy sources.

More about guarantees of origin (in Finnish)

Prices for guarantees of origin
1,00 € / MWh
Prices for guarantees of origin
0,99 €/MWh
Prices for guarantees of origin
0,80 €/MWh
Inspection and maintenance service
Residential properties with one heat distribution center

See the price in the price list.

Businesses and properties with more than one heat distribution center

Request a quote from us.

Additional work

For additional work agreed upon separately with the customer, the charge will be according to the quote provided or at an hourly rate as per the price list

Single-family houses
Inspection and expansion vessel maintenance109 €
Single-family houses
Inspection and expansion vessel maintenance107,70 €
Single-family houses
Inspection and expansion vessel maintenance86,85 €
Housing companies, 3–9 units
Inspection and expansion vessel maintenance209 €
Housing companies, 3–9 units
Inspection and expansion vessel maintenance206,50 €
Housing companies, 3–9 units
Inspection and expansion vessel maintenance166,53 €
Housing companies, at least 10 units
Inspection, 1 heat distribution centre189 €
Expansion vessel maintenance, 1 expansion vessel59 €
Housing companies, at least 10 units
Inspection, 1 heat distribution centre186,74 €
Expansion vessel maintenance, 1 expansion vessel58,29 €
Housing companies, at least 10 units
Inspection, 1 heat distribution centre150,60 €
Expansion vessel maintenance, 1 expansion vessel47,01 €
Additional work
Additional work agreed upon separately65 €/hour
Additional work
Additional work agreed upon separately68,18 €/hour
Additional work
Additional work agreed upon separately54,98 €/hour
Teholämpö as of 1 January 2025 (companies, default price list)

Teholämpö as of 1 January 2025 (companies, default price list)

Teholämpö is the default price list for places of use where the connection owner has a business ID. Teholämpö is not available for consumer customers. The price list can be changed every 12 months. The total price of district heating consists of an energy fee, a fixed fee and taxes.

Fixed fee

The fixed fee consists of two power fees: power fee 1 and power fee 2. The capacities for the power fees are determined based on hourly metering at the place of use. The review period is 1 March 2020–29 February 2024. If the heat consumption at the place of use has started later than 1 January 2023, both capacities correspond to the contracted capacity. (For new buildings, 60% of the contracted capacity.)

More about Teholämpö (in Finnish)

Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
0685,13 x 1,255
20(-214,43 + 44,98 x Ø) x 1,255
50(308,57 + 34,52 x Ø) x 1,255
100(831,57 + 29,29 x Ø) x 1,255
300(6 009,27 + 12,03 x Ø) x 1,255
Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
20-214,43 + 44,98 x Ø
50308,57 + 34,52 x Ø
100831,57 + 29,29 x Ø
3006 009,27 + 12,03 x Ø
Fixed fee, Power fee 2
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø) €/vuosi
0685,13 x 1,255
20(-214,43 + 44,98 x Ø) x 1,255
50(308,57 + 34,52 x Ø) x 1,255
100(831,57 + 29,29 x Ø) x 1,255
300(6 009,27 + 12,03 x Ø) x 1,255
Fixed fee, Power fee 2
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/vuosi
Fixed fee, Power fee 2
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
20-214,43 + 44,98 x Ø
50308,57 + 34,52 x Ø
100831,57 + 29,29 x Ø
3006 009,27 + 12,03 x Ø
Energy fee
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period98,73
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period70,27
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period39,24
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period70,27
Price period€/MWh
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period78,67
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period55,99
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period31,27
1.9.–31.10.Autumn period55,99
Teholämpö as of 1 January 2024 (companies, default price list)

Teholämpö is the default price list for places of use where the connection owner has a business ID. Teholämpö is not available for consumer customers. The price list can be changed every 12 months.

Fixed fee

The fixed fee consists of two power fees: power fee 1 and power fee 2. The capacities for the power fees are determined based on hourly metering at the place of use. The review period is 1 August 2020–31 July 2023. If the heat consumption at the place of use has started later than 1 January 2022, both capacities correspond to the contracted capacity. (For new buildings, 60% of the contracted capacity.)

Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
0655 x 1,255
20(-205 + 43 x Ø) x 1,255
50(295 + 33 x Ø) x 1,255
100(795 + 28 x Ø) x 1,255
300(5 745 + 11,5 x Ø) x 1,255
Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
0655 x 1,24
20(-205 + 43 x Ø) x 1,24
50(295 + 33 x Ø) x 1,24
100(795 + 28 x Ø) x 1,24
300(5 745 + 11,5 x Ø) x 1,24
Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
20-205 + 43 x Ø
50295 + 33 x Ø
100795 + 28 x Ø
3005 745 + 11,5 x Ø
Fixed fee, Power fee 2
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
0655 x 1,255
20(-205 + 43 x Ø) x 1,255
50(295 + 33 x Ø) x 1,255
100(795 + 28 x Ø) x 1,255
300(5 745 + 11,5 x Ø) x 1,255
Fixed fee, Power fee 2
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
0655 x 1,24
20(-205 + 43 x Ø) x 1,24
50(295 + 33 x Ø) x 1,24
100(795 + 28 x Ø) x 1,24
300(5 745 + 11,5 x Ø) x 1,24
Fixed fee, Power fee 2
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
20-205 + 43 x Ø
50295 + 33 x Ø
100795 + 28 x Ø
3005 745 + 11,5 x Ø
Energy fee
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period95,39 €
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period67,90 €
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period37,91 €
1 Sep–31 OctSyyskausi67,90 €
Energy fee
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period94,25
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period67,08
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period37,46
1 Sep–31 OctSyyskausi67,08
Energy fee
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period76,01
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period54,10
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period30,21
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period54,10
Tasalämpö as of 1 January 2025 (companies)

Tasalämpö may be selected for places of use where the connection owner has a business ID. If the heat supply of the site is part of some other contract package, Tasalämpö cannot be selected for the place of use. The price list can be changed every 12 months.

The total price of district heating consists of an energy fee, a fixed fee and taxes.

Fixed fee

The fixed fee is power fee 1. The capacity for the power fee is determined based on hourly metering at the place of use. The review period is 1 March 2021–29 February 2024. If the heat consumption at the place of use has started later than 1 January 2023, the capacity corresponds to the contracted capacity. (For new buildings, 60% of the contracted capacity.)

Inspection of district heating equipment is included in the price

Tasalämpö includes an inspection of the district heating equipment once every three years.

More about Tasalämpö (in Finnish)

Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
03435,78 x 1,255
20(1 318,26 + 105,88 x Ø) x 1,255
50(1 473,96 + 102,76 x Ø) x 1,255
200(4 380,36 + 88,23 x Ø) x 1,255
300(10 608,36 + 67,47 x Ø) x 1,255
Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/vuosi
03 435,78
201 318,26 + 105,88 x Ø
501 473,96 + 102,76 x Ø
2004 380,36 + 88,23 x Ø
30010 608,36 + 67,47 x Ø
Energy fee
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 Mar Winter period76,02
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period54,10
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period30,21
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period54,10
Energy fee
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period
Energy fee
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period60,57
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period43,11
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period24,07
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period43,11
Tasalämpö as of 1 January 2024 (companies)

Tasalämpö may be selected for places of use where the connection owner has a business ID. If the heat supply of the site is part of some other contract package, Tasalämpö cannot be selected for the place of use. The price list can be changed every 12 months.

The total price of district heating consists of an energy fee, a fixed fee and taxes.

Fixed fee

The fixed fee is power fee 1. The capacity for the power fee is determined based on hourly metering at the place of use. The review period is 1 August 2020–31 July 2023. If the heat consumption at the place of use has started later than 1 January 2022, the capacity corresponds to the contracted capacity. (For new buildings, 60% of the contracted capacity.)

Inspection of district heating equipment is included in the price

Tasalämpö includes an inspection of the district heating equipment once every three years.

Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
03 310 x 1,255
20(1 270 + 102 x Ø) x 1,255
50(1 420 + 99 x Ø) x 1,255
200(4 220 + 85 x Ø) x 1,255
300(10 220 + 65 x Ø) x 1,255
Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
03 310 x 1,24
20(1 270 + 102 x Ø) x 1,24
50(1 420 + 99 x Ø) x 1,24
200(4 220 + 85 x Ø) x 1,24
300(10 220 + 65 x Ø) x 1,24
Fixed fee, Power fee 1
Capacity at minimum, kW (Ø)€/year
03 310
201 270 + 102 x Ø
501 420 + 99 x Ø
200 4 220 + 85 x Ø
30010 220 + 65 x Ø
Energy fee
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period73,23 €
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period52,12 €
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period29,10 €
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period52,12 €
Energy fee
Price period€/MWh
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period72,35
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period51,49
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period28,75
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period51,49
Energy fee
Price period€/MWH
1 Nov–31 MarWinter period58,35
1 Apr–31 MaySpring period41,53
1 Jun–31 AugSummer period23,19
1 Sep–31 OctAutumn period41,53
Rakentajan Lämpö as of 1 January 2024

Rakentajan Lämpö is a price list for new buildings where the connection owner has a business ID. Rakentajan Lämpö is valid only during the construction of the new building. When the final inspection of district heating has been carried out at the site, Rakentajan Lämpö ends and a default price list is selected for the place of use based on the owner of the connection.

The energy fee for Rakentajan Lämpö is €90/MWh (VAT 0%). There is no fixed fee. The value added tax valid at any given time is added to the price.

Rakentajan Lämpö is Vihreä lämpö produced with renewable energy sources and certified with guarantees of origin.

Rakentajan Lämpö is not the default price list for new buildings that have started heat consumption before 1 January 2024. Rakentajan Lämpö may be chosen by such customers if they so wish.

Rakentajan lämpö112,95 €/MWh
Rakentajan lämpö111,60 €/MWh
Rakentajan lämpö90,00 €/MWh

Terms of contract

Contract disputes

If a dispute concerning a contract cannot be settled through negotiations between the parties, the consumer may bring the matter to the Consumer Disputes Board (in Finnish) for resolution.

The consumer must be in contact with the Consumer Advisory Service before bringing the matter before the Consumer Disputes Board.